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Junior College - Biology

Junior College: Biology Department

History:  One of the oldest and the best departments in Jai Hind. A department with dedicated, flexible and nurturing educators. We believe in providing motivation to our students to learn successfully. Our students have shown consistent top quartile performance in HSC board exams and MHT CET. Miss Shagun Shah topped MHT CET in Biology with a perfect score of 100 /100.

USP: It’s in our genes to excel.



Faculty Description:



Area of Specialisation

Dr Alka Wani


Botany (Mycology)

Topic of Thesis : Growth characteristics of hairy root cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus. (Biotechnology)

Dr Anupama Singh


(Plant Physiology)

Topic of Thesis:
Studies on the vertical stratification of air spora at Bombay Central. (Aerobiology)

Ms Latha Rajeev


(Human Physiology)

Ms Swati Shah


(Plant Physiology and Biochemistry)

Ms Aishwarya Pendharkar


(Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding)

Ms Yasmin Khan


(Marine Science)




Syllabus: SYJC

Paper I –General Biology and Botany

Topics covered in First term

Photosynthesis: Structure of chloroplast, Photochemical phase, Biochemical phase, significance.

  • Respiration: Types of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Role of mitochondria, mechanism of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  • Plant water relation: Absorption and movement of water, theories of water translocation and transpiration.
  • Reproduction in Angiosperms: Modes of reproduction, Natural and artificial vegetative reproduction, sexual reproduction, pollination, fertilization and embryo and endosperm development.
  • Biofertilizers and medicinal plants: Rhizobium and BGA, medicinal plants, mushroom cultivation.

Topics covered in second term

  • Natural resources and conservation : water resources, forest resources and their conservation, Concept of endangered species and endemic species and Remote sensing
  • Biotechnology: Concept of gene and nucleic acids, Genetic engineering, Cloning, Transgenic plants, Genomics, DNA fingerprinting, Plant tissue culture, Biopatent, Biopiracy, Biowar and Bioethics.
  • Plant growth: Concept of growth, Dormancy, seed germination, Characteristics of plant growth, growth regulators, photoperiodism and vernalisation.

Paper II - General Biology and Zoology

Topics covered in first term

  • Circulation in animals:  Open and closed circulation, circulatory system of cockroach and blood, vascular System of human.
  • Osmoregulation and Excretion: Modes of excretion, Excretory system of man, Mechanism of urine, formation, Role of lungs and skin in excretion.
  • Nervous co-ordination in animals:  Nervous system of cockroach, Nervous system of human, reflex action and receptors.
  • Immunity system: Concept of immunity, types of immunity, structure of antibody and immune disorders.
  • Health and disease: Types of disease, disease causing agent, modes of transmission.
  • Study of diseases: Cancer, AIDS and Typhoid.
  • Biomedical technology:  Sphygmomanometer, Haemometer, ECG, Sonography, Endoscopy, Angiography, ELISA test and Widal test.

Topics covered in second term

  • Human Population: Characteristics of population, population explosion and its impact, common problems of adolescence and addictive disorders.
  • Hormonal C-ordination: Endocrine glands, Pituitary gland and thyroid gland.
  • Reproduction, Growth and Development: Types of reproduction, Modes of asexual reproduction, Male reproductive system of human, Female reproductive system of human,   Menstrual cycle, fertilization and embryonic development.
  • Vermiculture and Fisheries : Techniques of Vermiculture and fishery
  • Bioinformatics: Concept of bioinformatics, basics of computer, databases and types and applications of bioinformatics.

Syllabus: FYJC

Topics covered in first term

  • Nature and Scope of Biology : Biology in ancient India, careers in Biology
  • Structure of cell : Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell
  • Cell division: Mitosis and meiosis
  • Genetic basis of Inheritance : Mendelism
  • Structure and function of fundamental tissues
  • Classification of animals: Salient features of non- chordates up to phylum level, salient features of chordates up to class level.
  • Chromosomal basis of inheritance: Sex determination in human, genetic disorders.
  • Nutrition in man
  • Respiration in man

Topics covered in second term

  • Systematics: Nomenclature, taxonomic hierarchy.
  • Classification of plants : Five kingdom classification
  • Morphology of flowering plants: Structure of root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower and seed and study of angiosperm plant tissues.
  • Main features of Life: characteristics of life.
  • Origin and evolution of life: Theories of origin of life, evidence of evolution and the genetic basis of adaptation.
  • Morphology of animals: Earthworm: Digestive and reproductive system.
  • Locomotion: Joints and types of joints, muscular movement.
  • Human skeleton: Axial and Appendicular skeleton.