

Anti Plagiarism Check Request Facility

Library Jai Hind College(Autonomous)
Anti-plagiarism Policy

w.e.f. March 2023

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is presenting ideas, thoughts, expression, and words of another source or author(s) as your own, and incorporating them without attribution, without consent or knowledge of the said person(s) or organization, amounting to academic fraud. Plagiarism is of different forms: Direct Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, Mosaic Plagiarism, and Accidental Plagiarism. All forms of Plagiarism amount to academic dishonesty, academic theft and imposter research. Jai Hind College (Autonomous) believes in inculcating staff and students with values of academic integrity and sustaining ethical research.


The Anti plagiarism policy is created to coordinate and set high standards of research at Jai Hind College (Autonomous).


1. To create an awareness of responsible conduct of research among staff and students in our academic institution, promote academic integrity and prevent academic misconduct such as plagiarism.
2. To establish academic software mechanisms (such as plagiarism detection) that facilitates responsible and ethical conduct of research
3. To develop systems to detect plagiarism and to set up mechanisms to prevent plagiarism

Awareness and Training:

1. The College shall arrange an awareness program on responsible conduct of research, anti-plagiarism norms of thesis and dissertation, promotion of academic integrity and ethics in education and research, for students, faculty, researchers and staff.
2. The College shall facilitate training sessions on the Anti-plagiarism Software.
3. Encourage all staff and student researchers to practice ethical research devoid of plagiarism.

Exclusions from Plagiarism admitted in Plagiarism checking

The following shall be excluded for plagiarism checking:
1. All citations and quotes, and graphs and pictures with necessary permissions and attributions.
2. All references, bibliography, table of content, preface and acknowledgements.
3. All generic terms, laws, standard symbols and standard equations.

Similarities screened by Anti-plagiarism software:

The following will be screened for plagiarism through the Anti-plagiarism software: Abstract, summary, key words, hypothesis, review of literature, discussion, observations, inferences, results, conclusions and recommendations only. They shall not have any similarities. It shall exclude a common knowledge or coincidental terms.

Implementation of the Anti - Plagiarism policy:

1. Faculty, researchers, PhD students and staff of Jai Hind College will be allowed to use the Anti-Plagiarism software, free of cost.
2. The Librarian will be Admin in charge of the Anti Plagiarism Software.
3. The Admin will create User ids as per the instruction from the Principal.
4. Students shall submit the documents for scanning through their Department Head/Guide.
5. Users shall carry out the use of the anti-plagiarism software at the institutional level.
6. Information on the limitation on the scanning documents, if any, will be shared during training or at the time of the submission.
7. Certification: Jai Hind College (Autonomous) will provide certificates to the users on the standard norms permissible as per the following levels after scanning their documents from the anti plagiarism software.
i. Level 0: Similarities up to 10% - Minor similarities
ii. Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40%
iii. Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60%
iv. Level 3: Similarities above 60%
8. Use of the anti plagiarism software by individuals other than from Jai Hind college will be available on chargeable basis.

Jai Hind College makes regulations to establish the mechanism to enhance awareness about responsible conduct of research and academic activities, to promote academic integrity and to prevent plagiarism. The Anti-Plagiarism Policy and Guidelines of Jai Hind College shall be a key element in maintaining a culture of academic honesty and integrity, as well as preventing acts of plagiarism.


University Grants Commission (Promotion of academic integrity and prevention of Plagiarism in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2018

Disclaimer: Jai Hind College Autonomous reserves the right to make changes in any of the above mentioned points as required.